A game of chess between a gardener and an artist, 2022

Acrylic on wood panel

90cm x 90cm


Painting origin: friendly chess game

Date: 13/10/2017

Players: Sahrawi Gardener vs Bryan Gerard Duffy

Opening: Queen's Gambit declined

Result: 0 - 1 Bryan wins


The Gardener played the aggressive Queen's Gambit opening. With alot at stake, this was a battle of tactics and wits. Even though Bryan was black, it always seemed like he was one move ahead. The gardener resigned before entering the endgame.


This series of paintings with patternings were inspired by a “Jaima”, the traditional tent of the nomadic Sahrawi people. These paintings are developed upon the recorded moves made in the games of chess played with the locals of Western Sahara. The Sahrawi’s speak of being used as pawns in the West’s sinister game of chess. Chess is a metaphor for war and is used as a starting point and pattern for each of my paintings.