“The Art Roundhouse”, (2021)

Multi-faceted art project and creative art workspace

Galway Educate Together National School (GETNS), funded by the Department of Education Percent for Art Scheme Commission

Budget:  €35,000

Funding:  Department of Education Per Cent for Art Scheme Commission

Location:  GETNS, Newcastle, Galway (IE)

Participants:  Children, staff and community of Galway Educate Together National School

Commissioned Artists:  Bryan Gerard Duffy and Barra O’Flannaigh

Contributors:  Alice Maher, Aideen Barry, Áine Phillips, Annette Jordan, Bryan Gerard Duffy, Barra O’Flannaigh, Breda Mayock, Ciaran Duignan, Jo Killalea, Joanna Hopkins, Louise Walsh, Nuala Clarke, Pauline Garavan, Rob Nelson, Aido, Aaron Caughlin. 


This multi-faceted art project is an eco-friendly arts and creative space for the children and staff of the school. The idea is to construct a roundhouse building similar to an old Irish roundhouse, embracing the schools ethos of reducing, reusing and recycling. “Bringing the past into the present with an eye on a brighter future!”


Once the building was completed, a series of 9 video workshops were made to coincide with the build of the roundhouse, i.e. Workshop 1 is about the drawing and marking out of the building, so we complemented it with a drawing workshop; Workshop 7 is about the windows of the build, so we complemented it with an art workshop on pin-hole cameras / camera obscura. Each stage of the build has an art workshop to complement it. The video workshops consists of (1) Did you know? With Annette (2) Build with Barra (3) Art workshops with Bryan (4) A message from a professional artist.




© Bryan Gerard Duffy